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Executes a signed and prepared call bundle.


type Request = {
  method: 'wallet_sendPreparedCalls',
  params: [{
    /** Chain ID to send the calls to. */
    chainId: `0x${string}`;
    /** Data to be forwarded from `wallet_prepareCalls`. */
    context: { quote: unknown };
    /** Properties of the signature. */
    signature: {
      /** Public key that generated the signature. */
      publicKey: `0x${string}`;
      /** Signature type (e.g. secp256k1, p256, etc). */
      type: 'secp256k1' | 'p256' | 'webauthn-p256';
      /** Signature value. */
      value: `0x${string}`;


type Response = {
  /** ID of the bundle. */
  id: string;


import { Porto } from 'porto'
import { PublicKey, Signature, WebCryptoP256 } from 'ox'
const { provider } = Porto.create()
const { publicKey, privateKey } = await WebCryptoP256.createKeyPair()
const request = await provider.request({
  method: 'wallet_prepareCalls',
  params: [{
    calls: [{
      to: '0xcafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabe',
      value: '0x12345678',
const signature = await WebCryptoP256.sign({
  payload: request.digest,
const response = await provider.request({ 
  method: 'wallet_sendPreparedCalls', 
  params: [{ 
    signature: { 
      publicKey: PublicKey.toHex(publicKey), 
      type: 'p256', 
      value: Signature.toHex(signature), 