Prepares a call bundle.
It returns a digest
of the call bundle to sign over, as well as the parameters required to fulfil a wallet_sendPreparedCalls
request (context
type Request = {
method: 'wallet_prepareCalls',
params: [{
/** Calls to prepare. */
calls: {
/** Recipient. */
to: `0x${string}`;
/** Calldata. */
data?: `0x${string}`;
/** Value to transfer. */
value?: `0x${string}`;
* Chain ID to send the calls to.
* If not provided, the current chain will be used.
chainId?: `0x${string}`;
* Address of the account to send the calls from.
* If not provided, the Account will be filled by the Wallet.
from?: `0x${string}`;
/** Capabilities. */
capabilities?: {
permissions?: {
/** ID of the permission to use. */
id: `0x${string}`;
type Response = {
/** Chain ID the calls were prepared for. */
chainId: `0x${string}`;
* Data to be forwarded to `wallet_sendPreparedCalls`.
* For Porto, this will include the signed quote.
context: { quote: unknown };
/** Digest to sign over. */
digest: `0x${string}`;
import { Porto } from 'porto'
const { provider } = Porto.create()
const response = await provider.request({
method: 'wallet_prepareCalls',
params: [{
calls: [{
to: '0xcafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabecafebabe',
value: '0x12345678',